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What Is Volvo Overseas Delivery?

Brent Dunn
by Brent Dunn
March 15, 2014

The Volvo Overseas Delivery program was created over 50 years ago to allow North American drivers to enjoy their new Volvo in Europe before it is shipped to North America. When you participate in the program you get a round-trip for two to Scandinavia, transportation to the delivery center, a night in a first class hotel, and you actually pay less for your car, with a savings off the U.S. MSRP. You can pick up your car at the Gothenburg, Sweden Factory Delivery Center, or for a fee at one of several other delivery centers in Europe. If you choose to travel to Gothenburg you can also take a Factory Tour and you will receive VIP delivery of your new Volvo.

Volvo also includes 15 days of International Insurance so that you can enjoy your car while traveling throughout Europe, saving the cost and inconvenience of having to rent a car. Once you have completed your trip, Volvo will ship your car to your Volvo dealer back home, allowing you to directly compare our Interstates with Germany's Autobahns.

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