August Smart Deals: Cash for Clunkers Edition
By Kirk Bell
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It would be easy to assume that comprehensive auto insurance was a type of coverage that would pay out in case of any damage to your automobile, be it any event or under any circumstances. But even though the name may be slightly misleading, comprehensive auto insurance coverage is very important as it protects you in non-collision related events.
It might be wisest to think of comprehensive auto insurance as “act of God coverage” if you are a person of faith or an “act of a chaotic universe” if you don’t believe in a higher power. Comprehensive auto insurance covers events like storm, flood, hurricane or tornado damage as well as the cost of a collision with an animal. Comprehensive auto insurance also covers you if a tree falls on your car, is vandalized, stolen and will cover you should your windshield crack or get damaged.
The most common occurrence on this list is probably damaged windshields as most drivers who have been on the roads for a few years have suffered from the dreaded crack from the impact of a pebble or rock as it hits glass. Most people don’t bother to get a small windshield crack repaired even though such fixes can be done at a low cost and wait until the small crack extends all the way across the windshield where it can obstruct your view of the road ahead.
When that happens, the entire windshield will need replacing and depending on what type of car you drive the cost can vary from as little as $500 to many thousands of dollars. Many upscale luxury cars and vehicles with all-wheel drive have windshields with expensive de-icing filament systems built into the glass so replacing them can be extremely expensive. Comprehensive vehicle insurance would cover a replacement windshield.
Depending on where you live in this country, you are probably at risk of suffering damage to your car from an unexpected natural disaster. Tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and devastating winter storms cause untold damage to cars left in the wake of these reminders that Mother Nature is more powerful than any automobile. Your best and only defense against these occurrences is buying comprehensive auto insurance for your vehicle.
Comprehensive auto insurance is really important because often it is needed when you have such a catastrophic event happen to your car that it needs to be replaced. A car that sits in flood water for 3 weeks or has a 100 year old oak tree fall on it thereby splitting it into two pieces will need to be replaced. And you don’t want to be left responsible for the cost of having to do that entirely on your own, now do you?
One way to cut down on the cost of your comprehensive auto insurance premium is to adjust the level of your deductible in case of one of the aforementioned events. This usually ranges from $0 to $1,000 and try to balance what your budget will allow and what you will be able to probably afford to pay out of pocket should the unthinkable happen.
Car theft and vandalism is also a huge problem in this country and your comprehensive insurance premium amount will depend on how safe a neighborhood that you live in according to studies done by your carrier. We aren’t saying that you should move to lower your insurance costs but you need to know that where you live and the theft/vandalism rates near your home will affect how much you pay each month.
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